Sunday, August 22, 2010

sunday morning...

Well, it started out to be a wonderful day. So much to be happy for and about in my life. My family and my many friends...God is good to me! David and I went to Waffle house for breakfast this morning after going ver to Matt and Lacey's to see if they were ready yet for him to do some electrical work. Peeked in the window and the drywall is still up so hopefully today they will get more stuff done there. It sure is a cute little house, too!

I have so many things going on in my life right now I don't know if I am coming or going! It's all good stuff!! Just ideas and where to take them and man it is getting confusing. Feel so great after my meeting on Friday with the officers at the Salvation Army! They were so encouraging and made me feel good about my new project. I'm just getting older by the day and I hate the thought that someday I will not be able to do what I want to. I do not believe all of the ideas I get are from my own thinking. I believe in a higher power and I believe with all my heart that God has a wonderful plan for me with my new venture!!

Got to talk to my grandbabies this morning and that makes me real happy! Gosh, I wish I had more!! Candi told me she could have sworn that Kennedi said "gigi" this morning! Isn't that the coolest. I miss them all so much. Finally, found a little tea set for Kennedi for her first birthday! It is so cute with little ladybugs on it. I will buy her another one when she is older. Hopefully, this will be a small keepsake for her for when she's older and maybe she can pass it on down to her daughter someday. I always plan way ahead, ha! ha!

Okay, I am off to do some sewing! I hope my little project turns out, if so I hope to sell them. But for now it's a secret!! If it does turn out I will post a keep checking back!! Have a blessed day everyone...

1 comment:

  1. I'm interested in your little project! Love the photo. I love your happy spirit Brenda...keep it comin!!!
