Monday, August 23, 2010

monday morning already...

What a fantastic weekend! Just can't understand how times goes by so fast. As a child you wish to get old so quickly and then when you're my age I just wish I could stop time in it's place!! As each day goes by it makes me think about things I should have done and didn't do and things I wish I hadn't of done! I think about how important my family is to me and really that is all that matters in this world! People like me and don't me and it's okay! Because I know my family loves me!! Why I just wrote all of this I am not sure! I guess it was just on my mind this morning!

I have so much to do today. Place some calls this morning to the health department about rules, etc! Boy, there's alot to do when trying to get things done! I am going to keep positive about this pie stuff!! I know there will be road blocks coming my way and just will jump hurdles when I see them!! Things have just been going to smoothly and that usually means trouble in the end, ha!

Talked to my friend Cindy in Texas this morning. She always puts a smile on my face! I can't wait to see her again. She wants a chocolate pie! I told when she comes she'll get one, ha!

Tyler starts first grade today! Man, I can't believe it! I hate that I am missing all these milestones in his life. I sure hope his dad took a bunch of pictures!! At least I will get to see Kennedi start school!! Hopefully, they will not be deployed somewhere else at that time:) I am sure he was so excited to get back with his school buddies! I know he will zip through everything with ease. He's such a bright little boy.

Man, 102 today, that is unreal!! And for the next 4 days it will only be in the 80's!! We need some reprieve from the heat. Poor David works out in that stuff! I think I will have a nice cool salad for supper. He usually doesn't have too much of an appetite when it's that hot out. I am excited that fall is right around the corner! It is my favorite time of year!! The brisk mornings are perfect for a walk and then it warms up a bit during the day and the evening starts cooling off about 5pm, oh, yeah that's nice!! That's what I did love about the fall up north!!


  1. Oh I love the zinnia photo Brenda! Next year I'm planting lots of them. Temps in the 80's!!!!! Oh I wish we could get those! Maybe Thursday. And a little rain wouldn't be a bad thing.

  2. Chocolate pie and 102 degrees don't always go well together! I have a few ruined shirts that prove that....
